Thursday, March 25, 2010

Craziness at the Holt's

Life for me has become very crazy. I really wish that I could pin point the triggers, but my stress levels, moods, and anxiety are all out of control. With this comes problems both mentally and physically. Maybe before long my life will slow down and get on an easier path. (One can only dream can't we?)

Life in the Holt household is great other than me. Melanie is getting so big. She is singing so many little songs. She sings bits and pieces of "Under the Sea" from the Little Mermaid, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," and "This Little Light of Mine." This evening we were working on potty training, which she is doing phenomenal. She should be in panties full time in the next few weeks. While trying to potty we were reading a book with a rabbit on it. She was naming most of the pictures in the book but what shocked me is that we came to a picture of a triangle and she said it. We haven't worked on shapes at home, so, I guess day care is doing a great job! Melanie is super smart! She can count to 10 with little assistance and can identify 20 of the 26 letters of the alphabet. I think this is great since she just turned two less than one month ago. I know I sound like a mother bragging. Well I guess I am, but you would too.

As the world keeps spinning, the Holts will keep living and I will try to keep you informed and entertained,
